LIFX Binary Protocol

To interact with LIFX devices you create packets and send those. A packet is a string of bytes that contains header and payload information. In Photons you create these using the objects listed below. For example DeviceMessages.SetPower can be made by saying:

from photons_messages import DeviceMessages

# An instruction that says to turn the device on
get_power = DeviceMessages.SetPower(level=65535)

The only information in the header that you need to care about are:


If you set this then that packet will only be sent to that particular device.

# Send to d073d5000001 regardless of the reference you use
# when you send the message
DeviceMessages.SetPower(level=0, target="d073d5000001")

A boolean that tells the device to send back an acknowledgment and for Photons to then expect and wait for one:

# Note that ack_required is True by default
DeviceMessages.GetPower(level=0, ack_required=False)

A boolean that tells the device to send back a response and for Photons to then expect and wait for one:

# Note that res_required is True by default
DeviceMessages.SetPower(level=0, res_required=False)

The rest of the keyword arguments to the packet are related to the payload of the packet. Many messages have defaults and transformations for these fields.


You can find a definition of the packets in this github repository and explanations on the LAN documentation.

Once you have one of these packet objects you can access fields like it’s a dictionary or like it’s an object:

msg = DeviceMessages.SetPower(level=65535)
assert msg.level == 65535
assert msg["level"] == "65535"

And you can change values the same way:

msg = DeviceMessages.SetPower(level=65535)
msg["level"] = 0
msg.level = 0

Some fields have transformations. For example duration on a LightSetPower is measured in milliseconds on the device, but I find it easier to specify it in seconds instead. And so Photons will take the value you provide and times it by 1000 to make it milliseconds. The value on the object is actually stored using the value that ends up in the binary packet and when you access that value, the opposite transformation is done to turn it back into seconds.

msg = LightMessagse.SetLightPower(level=0, duration=20)
assert msg.duration == 20
assert msg.actual("duration") == 20000



This packet has no fields


uint64 - build

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - version_minor

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - version_major

This attribute has no transformations


This packet has no fields


float - signal

This attribute has no transformations


This packet has no fields


uint64 - build

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - version_minor

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - version_major

This attribute has no transformations


This packet has no fields


uint16 - level

This attribute has no transformations


uint16 - level

This attribute has no transformations


This packet has no fields


string[32] - label

This attribute has no transformations


string[32] - label

This attribute has no transformations


This packet has no fields


uint32 - vendor

This attribute has no transformations

uint32 - product

This attribute has no transformations


This packet has no fields


uint64 - time

This attribute has no transformations

float - uptime

transformed: value from the packet is changed for you:

lambda _, v: v / 1e9
float - downtime

transformed: value from the packet is changed for you:

lambda _, v: v / 1e9


This packet has no fields


This packet has no fields


bytes[16] - location

This attribute has no transformations

string[32] - label

This attribute has no transformations

uint64 - updated_at

This attribute has no transformations


bytes[16] - location

This attribute has no transformations

string[32] - label

This attribute has no transformations

uint64 - updated_at

This attribute has no transformations


This packet has no fields


bytes[16] - group

This attribute has no transformations

string[32] - label

This attribute has no transformations

uint64 - updated_at

This attribute has no transformations


bytes[16] - group

This attribute has no transformations

string[32] - label

This attribute has no transformations

uint64 - updated_at

This attribute has no transformations


bytes[64] - echoing

This attribute has no transformations


bytes[64] - echoing

This attribute has no transformations



This packet has no fields


float - hue

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(round(0x10000 * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v)) / 360)) % 0x10000
float - saturation

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(round(0xFFFF * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v))))
float - brightness

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(round(0xFFFF * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v))))
uint16 - kelvin

default: 3500

float - duration

default: 0

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, value: int(1000 * float(value))


boolint - transient

default: 0

float - hue

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(round(0x10000 * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v)) / 360)) % 0x10000
float - saturation

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(round(0xFFFF * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v))))
float - brightness

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(round(0xFFFF * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v))))
uint16 - kelvin

default: 3500

float - period

default: 0

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, value: int(1000 * float(value))
float - cycles

default: 1

float - skew_ratio

default: 0

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(65535 * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v))) - 32768
uint8 - waveform

default: photons_messages.enums.Waveform. SAW

enum: This attribute is a photons_messages.enums.Waveform

unknown enums: This attribute allows values that aren’t part of the enum


float - hue

This attribute has no transformations

float - saturation

This attribute has no transformations

float - brightness

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - kelvin

default: 3500

uint16 - power

This attribute has no transformations

string[32] - label

This attribute has no transformations


This packet has no fields


uint16 - level

This attribute has no transformations

float - duration

default: 0

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, value: int(1000 * float(value))


uint16 - level

This attribute has no transformations


boolint - transient

default: 0

float - hue

optional: This attribute is optional

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(round(0x10000 * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v)) / 360)) % 0x10000
float - saturation

optional: This attribute is optional

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(round(0xFFFF * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v))))
float - brightness

optional: This attribute is optional

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(round(0xFFFF * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v))))
uint16 - kelvin

optional: This attribute is optional

float - period

default: 0

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, value: int(1000 * float(value))
float - cycles

default: 1

float - skew_ratio

default: 0

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(65535 * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v))) - 32768
uint8 - waveform

default: photons_messages.enums.Waveform. SAW

enum: This attribute is a photons_messages.enums.Waveform

unknown enums: This attribute allows values that aren’t part of the enum

boolint - set_hue

default: true only if hue is given a value

boolint - set_saturation

default: true only if saturation is given a value

boolint - set_brightness

default: true only if brightness is given a value

boolint - set_kelvin

default: true only if kelvin is given a value


This packet has no fields


uint16 - brightness

This attribute has no transformations


uint16 - brightness

This attribute has no transformations


This packet has no fields


boolint - enable

This attribute has no transformations

uint32 - duration_s

This attribute has no transformations


uint32 - duration_s

This attribute has no transformations

uint32 - remaining_s

This attribute has no transformations

boolint - last_power

This attribute has no transformations


This packet has no fields


boolint - indication

This attribute has no transformations

uint32 - duration_s

This attribute has no transformations


boolint - indication

This attribute has no transformations

uint32 - duration_s

This attribute has no transformations


This packet has no fields


uint8 - result

enum: This attribute is a photons_messages.enums.LightLastHevCycleResult

unknown enums: This attribute allows values that aren’t part of the enum



This packet has no fields


uint8 - button_index

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - buttons_count

This attribute has no transformations

bytes[808] - buttons

multiple: This attribute turns into an array of 8 Button objects


uint8 - total_count

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - button_index

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - buttons_count

This attribute has no transformations

bytes[808] - buttons

multiple: This attribute turns into an array of 8 Button objects


This packet has no fields


uint16 - haptic_duration_ms

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_on_color_hue

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_on_color_saturation

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_on_color_brightness

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_on_color_kelvin

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_off_color_hue

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_off_color_saturation

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_off_color_brightness

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_off_color_kelvin

This attribute has no transformations


uint16 - haptic_duration_ms

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_on_color_hue

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_on_color_saturation

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_on_color_brightness

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_on_color_kelvin

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_off_color_hue

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_off_color_saturation

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_off_color_brightness

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - backlight_off_color_kelvin

This attribute has no transformations



uint8 - start_index

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - end_index

This attribute has no transformations

float - hue

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(round(0x10000 * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v)) / 360)) % 0x10000
float - saturation

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(round(0xFFFF * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v))))
float - brightness

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, v: int(round(0xFFFF * (0 if v is sb.NotSpecified else float(v))))
uint16 - kelvin

default: 3500

float - duration

default: 0

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, value: int(1000 * float(value))
uint8 - apply

default: photons_messages.enums.MultiZoneApplicationRequest. APPLY

enum: This attribute is a photons_messages.enums.MultiZoneApplicationRequest

unknown enums: This attribute allows values that aren’t part of the enum


uint8 - start_index

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - end_index

This attribute has no transformations


uint8 - zones_count

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - zone_index

This attribute has no transformations

float - hue

transformed: value from the packet is changed for you:

lambda _, v: round(float(v) * 360 / 0x10000, 2)
float - saturation

transformed: value from the packet is changed for you:

lambda _, v: round(float(v) / 0xFFFF, 4)
float - brightness

transformed: value from the packet is changed for you:

lambda _, v: round(float(v) / 0xFFFF, 4)
uint16 - kelvin

default: 3500


uint8 - zones_count

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - zone_index

This attribute has no transformations

bytes[64] - colors

multiple: This attribute turns into an array of 8 Color objects


This packet has no fields


uint32 - instanceid

default: randomly generated number

uint8 - type

default: photons_messages.enums.MultiZoneEffectType. MOVE

enum: This attribute is a photons_messages.enums.MultiZoneEffectType

unknown enums: This attribute allows values that aren’t part of the enum

float - speed

default: 5

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, value: int(1000 * float(value))
float - duration

default: 0

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, value: int(1e9 * float(value))
bytes[32] - parameters

dynamic: This attribute turns into a packet like object with these fields:

def multizone_effect_parameters_for(typ):
    if typ is enums.MultiZoneEffectType.MOVE:
        yield ("parameter1", T.Reserved(32))
        yield ("speed_direction", T.Uint32.enum(enums.Direction).default(enums.Direction.RIGHT))
        for i in range(6):
            yield (f"parameter{i + 2}", T.Reserved(32))
        for i in range(8):
            yield (f"parameter{i}", T.Reserved(32))

Using transformer:

lambda pkt: multizone_effect_parameters_for(pkt.type)))

You set parameters with a dictionary of fields and you can access the additional fields on parameters as if parameters is it’s own packet with those fields


uint32 - instanceid

default: randomly generated number

uint8 - type

default: photons_messages.enums.MultiZoneEffectType. MOVE

enum: This attribute is a photons_messages.enums.MultiZoneEffectType

unknown enums: This attribute allows values that aren’t part of the enum

float - speed

default: 5

transformed: value from the packet is changed for you:

lambda _, value: float(value) / 1000
float - duration

default: 0

transformed: value from the packet is changed for you:

lambda _, value: float(value) / 1e9
bytes[32] - parameters

dynamic: This attribute turns into a packet like object with these fields:

def multizone_effect_parameters_for(typ):
    if typ is enums.MultiZoneEffectType.MOVE:
        yield ("parameter1", T.Reserved(32))
        yield ("speed_direction", T.Uint32.enum(enums.Direction).default(enums.Direction.RIGHT))
        for i in range(6):
            yield (f"parameter{i + 2}", T.Reserved(32))
        for i in range(8):
            yield (f"parameter{i}", T.Reserved(32))

Using transformer:

lambda pkt: multizone_effect_parameters_for(pkt.type)))

You set parameters with a dictionary of fields and you can access the additional fields on parameters as if parameters is it’s own packet with those fields


float - duration

default: 0

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, value: int(1000 * float(value))
uint8 - apply

default: photons_messages.enums.MultiZoneExtendedApplicationRequest. APPLY

enum: This attribute is a photons_messages.enums.MultiZoneExtendedApplicationRequest

unknown enums: This attribute allows values that aren’t part of the enum

uint16 - zone_index

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - colors_count

This attribute has no transformations

bytes[656] - colors

multiple: This attribute turns into an array of 82 Color objects


This packet has no fields


uint16 - zones_count

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - zone_index

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - colors_count

This attribute has no transformations

bytes[656] - colors

multiple: This attribute turns into an array of 82 Color objects



uint8 - relay_index

This attribute has no transformations


uint8 - relay_index

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - level

This attribute has no transformations


uint8 - relay_index

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - level

This attribute has no transformations



This packet has no fields


uint8 - start_index

This attribute has no transformations

bytes[880] - tile_devices

multiple: This attribute turns into an array of 16 Tile objects

uint8 - tile_devices_count

This attribute has no transformations


uint8 - tile_index

This attribute has no transformations

float - user_x

This attribute has no transformations

float - user_y

This attribute has no transformations


uint8 - tile_index

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - length

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - x

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - y

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - width

This attribute has no transformations


uint8 - tile_index

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - x

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - y

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - width

This attribute has no transformations

bytes[512] - colors

multiple: This attribute turns into an array of 64 Color objects


uint8 - tile_index

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - length

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - x

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - y

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - width

This attribute has no transformations

float - duration

default: 0

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, value: int(1000 * float(value))
bytes[512] - colors

multiple: This attribute turns into an array of 64 Color objects


This packet has no fields


uint32 - instanceid

default: randomly generated number

uint8 - type

default: photons_messages.enums.TileEffectType. OFF

enum: This attribute is a photons_messages.enums.TileEffectType

unknown enums: This attribute allows values that aren’t part of the enum

float - speed

default: 5

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, value: int(1000 * float(value))
float - duration

default: 0

transformed: Value you provide is changed for the binary packet:

lambda _, value: int(1e9 * float(value))
bytes[32] - parameters

dynamic: This attribute turns into a packet like object with these fields:

def tile_effect_parameters_for(typ):
    if typ is enums.TileEffectType.SKY:
        yield (
        yield ("parameter2", T.Reserved(24))
        yield ("cloud_saturation_min", T.Uint8.default(51))
        yield ("parameter4", T.Reserved(24))
        yield ("cloud_saturation_max", T.Uint8.default(178))
        yield ("parameter6", T.Reserved(184))
        for i in range(8):
            yield (f"parameter{i}", T.Reserved(32))

Using transformer:

lambda pkt: tile_effect_parameters_for(pkt.type)))

You set parameters with a dictionary of fields and you can access the additional fields on parameters as if parameters is it’s own packet with those fields

uint8 - palette_count

This attribute has no transformations

bytes[128] - palette

multiple: This attribute turns into an array of 16 Color objects


uint32 - instanceid

default: randomly generated number

uint8 - type

default: photons_messages.enums.TileEffectType. OFF

enum: This attribute is a photons_messages.enums.TileEffectType

unknown enums: This attribute allows values that aren’t part of the enum

float - speed

default: 5

transformed: value from the packet is changed for you:

lambda _, value: float(value) / 1000
float - duration

default: 0

transformed: value from the packet is changed for you:

lambda _, value: float(value) / 1e9
bytes[32] - parameters

dynamic: This attribute turns into a packet like object with these fields:

def tile_effect_parameters_for(typ):
    if typ is enums.TileEffectType.SKY:
        yield (
        yield ("parameter2", T.Reserved(24))
        yield ("cloud_saturation_min", T.Uint8.default(51))
        yield ("parameter4", T.Reserved(24))
        yield ("cloud_saturation_max", T.Uint8.default(178))
        yield ("parameter6", T.Reserved(184))
        for i in range(8):
            yield (f"parameter{i}", T.Reserved(32))

Using transformer:

lambda pkt: tile_effect_parameters_for(pkt.type)))

You set parameters with a dictionary of fields and you can access the additional fields on parameters as if parameters is it’s own packet with those fields

uint8 - palette_count

This attribute has no transformations

bytes[128] - palette

multiple: This attribute turns into an array of 16 Color objects

Message Objects


uint8 - actions_count

This attribute has no transformations

bytes[100] - actions

multiple: This attribute turns into an array of 5 ButtonAction objects


float - hue

This attribute has no transformations

float - saturation

This attribute has no transformations

float - brightness

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - kelvin

default: 3500


int16 - accel_meas_x

This attribute has no transformations

int16 - accel_meas_y

This attribute has no transformations

int16 - accel_meas_z

This attribute has no transformations

float - user_x

This attribute has no transformations

float - user_y

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - width

This attribute has no transformations

uint8 - height

This attribute has no transformations

uint32 - device_version_vendor

This attribute has no transformations

uint32 - device_version_product

This attribute has no transformations

uint64 - firmware_build

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - firmware_version_minor

This attribute has no transformations

uint16 - firmware_version_major

This attribute has no transformations


Some fields are enum values. This means the value on the binary packet is a number, but Photons lets you interact with them as Enum values. This means whenever you access an attribute that is an enum, you’ll get back the enum value rather than the number.

When you set a enum value you can use either the enum value itself, the number that enum represents, or the name of the value. For example all of the following do the same thing.

msg = TileMessages.SetTileEffect(...)

# These are all valid ways of setting an enum value.
msg.type = TileEffectType.MORPH
msg.type = "MORPH"
msg.type = 2

# The value photons gives back to you is always an enum value
assert msg.type is TileEffectType.MORPH

Photons will complain if the value you set is not a valid value for that type.


  • 1 : UDP


  • 1 : PRESS

  • 2 : HOLD


  • 4 : PRESS_HOLD

  • 5 : HOLD_HOLD


  • 2 : RELAYS

  • 3 : DEVICE

  • 4 : LOCATION

  • 5 : GROUP

  • 6 : SCENE



  • 0 : RIGHT

  • 1 : LEFT


  • 0 : SUCCESS

  • 1 : BUSY





  • 255: NONE


  • 0 : NO_APPLY

  • 1 : APPLY

  • 2 : APPLY_ONLY


  • 0 : OFF

  • 1 : MOVE


  • 0 : NO_APPLY

  • 1 : APPLY

  • 2 : APPLY_ONLY


  • 0 : CLOUDS_SKY

  • 1 : NIGHT_SKY

  • 2 : DAWN_SKY

  • 3 : DAWN_SUN

  • 4 : FULL_SUN

  • 5 : FINAL_SUN



  • 0 : SUNRISE

  • 1 : SUNSET

  • 2 : CLOUDS


  • 0 : OFF

  • 2 : MORPH

  • 3 : FLAME

  • 5 : SKY


  • 0 : SAW

  • 1 : SINE

  • 2 : HALF_SINE

  • 3 : TRIANGLE

  • 4 : PULSE